Always update the BIOS first

Today, I spent hours trying to install Bluefin on an older laptop. The process always failed with Failed to write boot loader configuration. I tried vanilla Fedora Silverblue and ended up with the same disappointing result.

Following a tip I found on the Bluefin Discord, I finally tried installing Fedora Workstation, and was able to do so successfully. Right after booting it, I launched a terminal and ran the following commands:

$ sudo fwupdmgr refresh
$ sudo fwupdmgr update

I don’t remember the precise message, but fwupdmgr boosted the UEFI firmware from something like v54 to v379. đŸ˜¬

I popped in my installation USB stick once more, and a few minutes later, the Bluefin installer announced, “Complete!”

Always update the BIOS first.

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