Purpose > Productivity

I am a recovering productivity addict. I read David Allen’s book “Getting Things Done” several times. I practised Inbox Zero religiously. It feels like I’ve tried all the popular to-do apps, calendaring strategies, and productivity methods. Spending my time as efficiently as possible was so important to me that it actually gave me joy to…

Five skills every junior engineer needs to succeed

In my conversations with junior engineers, especially during my live streams, a question that comes up a lot in different variations is: “What skills do I have to have to be successful?” I thought I’d summarize my recommendations in this article. Analysing problems The first skill any junior engineer needs is problem-solving. As a software…

80-hour weeks don’t make a great engineer. They’ll break a great engineer.

I’m not exaggerating when I say I was shocked by a question about working hours that I got during a recent office hour live stream. “So I heard from a developer that he would code and learn for like 80 hours a week when he started in order to be come an amazing engineer. I…