New website features: Wiki, presentations, and blogroll

I’ve been working on adding a few new features to the Monospace Mentor website. I’m happy to report that they’re now available for you to use!


I got into the whole world of PKM (Personal Knowledge Management) methods far too late for my liking. That’s why I’ve become quite diligent in keeping notes. I use them to preserve what I’m learning and everything I don’t want to lose. And since the Monospace community is all about sharing, I set up Obsidian Publish. Now my notes on various computing and engineering topics are online!

Check out the wiki at!


In the same vein, I also wanted to be able to share materials from talks I’ve given. I enjoy giving presentations at conferences, for example the other week at Ruby Unconf. I also share my experience at user group meetings, and of course in online events like my own workshops. Thanks a combination of Jekyll and RevealJS, I can now both write and share my slide decks easily. I even added some custom code that makes only those slide decks public that I want to be.

Find my slide decks at!


Seeing how big tech keeps making the internet more unpleasant for the average user, I joined the IndieWeb movement. I think it’s important that we advocate for owning our own means of (content) production. I’m going to make this part of my online teaching as well. One of the problems that indie website owners have, especially with the growing enshittification of web search, is discoverability. For this reason, a solution that we invented in the early days is currently experiencing a renaissance. It’s the blogroll, simple lists of websites we like and recommend.

I’ve started to curate my own blogroll as part of this website.

Info hub

After adding all these features, I needed a place from where I could guide site visitors to them. That’s why I’ve expanded my “News” page. It used to only link to the blog and newsletter sections. Now it’s my “Info Hub” where I’ll add links as the content I publish continues to grow.

What do you think about all these new website features? Let me know!